
Transmission Translations delivers (last minute) translations, subtitles, copywriting and proofreading. Our approach is to always collaborate closely with you and to assess each job individually.


We can translate English to Dutch, but also Dutch to English. Translating for your target audience is always our highest priority. Often the source text simply requires an accurate word to word translation, but sometimes it is more important that a translation is tailored to a target audience in the new language. In such cases a translation which adds or modifies the source text could be the better solution.


Writing subtitles is a profession. Not only do subtitlers have to accurately represent what is said on the screen, they also need to consider a limited space and time frame. Never should a subtitle distract from the image. A good subtitle is an ‘invisible’ one.


Producing a text that is fluent and effective may not always be easy. Especially if layout, SEO and possibly a foreign target audience need to be considered. This is when the help of a professional can be very welcome.


Sometimes a text needs some extra attention. Sometimes you just need to be sure there aren’t any mistakes. Those who seek the help of an outsider benefit from an extra pair of scrutinous eyes and a fresh perspective.


Transmission Translations' rates depend on the job in question. Because jobs can be very different in terms of size or complexity, but also because every job has its own budget, the right price is determined for each situation individually.